Last week, a friend messaged me saying she felt expansive and realized it was the eve of Passover.

Knowing I am Jewish, she knew this expansion was no coincidence.

She was beautifully curious, asking…what does this holiday mean to you?

Put simply, liberation from the limitations of your life.

For over 3,000 years now, Jews have been celebrating the Passover holiday with the Seder meal in remembrance of our ancestors who were slaves in Egypt and escaped in Exodus wandering the desert for over 40 years.

So we are not slaves.

And we are not in Egypt….

So what does this mean for you?

And, this sacred energy is not JUST for the Jewish people.

It is inherent in all of us.

It’s no coincidence this is in alignment with the Full Moon in Libra energy present this week, which is focused on relationships and giving each of us the chance to plant seeds for new connections, and water those that are currently in your life.

It’s a time to reflect inwardly and ask yourself what you need to feel fulfilled.

To liberate your Soul from the limitations of the mundane, the routine, and the layers of experience you have inherited throughout your lifetime.

Both Passover and the Full Moon energy that is present NOW holds this expansive energy to RISE above the limitations of our ego, and tap into the energy of the infinite Universe which is unbounded, unbridled, and infinitely FREE.

In fact, the Matza is a taste of freedom to remind you that when you transcend the limits of our life, true miracles happen.

The word Egypt in Hebrew is Mitzrayim, which means “narrow straits”.

As we remember this beautiful holiday, you are able to transcend the narrow and limited thinking that is a part of everyday life and routines to elevate to a higher state of consciousness.

To experience true FREEDOM, which lies when one is courageous enough to believe in that which you can’t see.

To trust in a higher power that is the source of your Soul.

The physical body can experience, but the Soul can transcend the limitations of the finite to experience infinity.

This week, we all soak in this magical energy to transcend.

To liberate our limitations and free ourselves from the physical and psychological burdens that we have put on ourselves, or acquired along the way.

To liberate the stories.

To liberate the layers.

To liberate the physical limitations.

To liberate your limits.

In this liberation, you can finally feel FREE.

And in this freedom, you attune with your purest energy, that of your Soul.

The TRUE you.

Pure freedom.

Pure faith.

Pure FLOW.

But it all sparks with belief and taking the first step.

I would be honored to guide you to infinite freedom + abundant flow, as there is never a “right” time, liberation sparks in divine time! >>

Liberate, don’t limit YOUR LIFE!
